i was in the flash portal and i blew the whistle saying that it was just porn uploaded from another site.
now i have a whistle status of garbage!
here is an excert from the rules:
"This movie is unsuitable (e.g. hardcore adult, porn slideshow, hateful, illegal)" - Use this flag if you feel an entry goes beyond what is appropriate for Newgrounds.com. While we host a lot of extreme content we do not seek content that is racist, hateful, or illegal. Examples include child pornography, bestiality, photos or video of hardcore adult acts, pornographic slideshows, and images of people or animals being killed, tortured, or mutilated. (Note: If someone submits a Flash movie or game that merely uses hardcore material in a humorous way and the submission is at least rated accordingly, it may be acceptable. Again, after blowing this whistle you will be asked to indicate what you found to be unsuitable.
This video that gave me a garbage whistle fell under "hardcore adult"
because maybe you were wrong
it was not flash just porn.