OK. I have new info and I am gonna try to make this post as long as my short attention span can.
Date: Friday September 05 (End at 10:45 or 22:45 Central Time)
Today I took off my song "Preludium and Fugue"
I am gonna remake it so it is better. It was in two parts and i'm gonna try to make it one part.
I am trying to think of a song to do either while I finish this up or after. (It will only happen after if I get P & F done fast). I really would like a suggestion. but it is OK if I don't get any.
For a while now I have been working on a website and I am planning on making a web server.
It will be just a site for my music and it will have a compilation of all my favorite flashes, music, pics, etc.
Once it is done it will be http://www.alix1.tv (This link will work someday!)
At school (for the past week) we have been working on learning "Subnetting a subnet" That was some of the hardest shit** I have ever seen. Then I found a flash video that helped a LOT
**Pardon my french.
I have gotten bored with this so I will go work on something else. Bye! Please reply about the song! (But you don't have to if you don't want to.)
Date: Sunday September 08 (End at 12:26 or 24:26)
OK now. I am ready to type some more.
I have a new pic that is set as my user pic so I will leave it in this post so you can read it.
Here * Looks below these words* Look Who Has A Number On His Hand! I Think That Was Brooke's number.